Moving Out Info And Tips

Note : This is not yet complete. I will be adding more to this Carrd soon.
Last Updated : 12/08/2022
Before You Read :This is aimed for individuals moving out of their house for the first time, especially those who need to leave due to a bad home environment. This includes minors trying to move out early and without parents help.This was made on mobile and likely looks best on mobile. And please understand that I wasn’t trying to make it the prettiest Carrd ever. I’m trying to make it readable for everyone and I’m trying to keep it neat and simple..As I do live in the United States of America, some of this stuff may not be available in your country.Please read and go through ALL the links if able as they’re important. The only exception to this would be if you already know you would be unable to do something due to something such as a disability or the country you live.Some of the money-related stuff may require a card such as a debit card. If you do not have one or if you are afraid your guardians/parents/caretakers will ask questions or take your money, see if you can find a job that’ll pay cash or see if you can get yourself a reloadable card such as a reloadable visa prepaid card.

Miscellaneous Resources

Donating Plasma :
❖ Resources One and Two have info for multiple countries and where to go for plasma donations.
Resource One
Resource Two
Sell Items You No Longer Need :
❖ Sell to places such as Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Amazon, Amazon’s Trade-In Program, Craigslist, Facebook, Decluttr, Poshmark, ThredUP, Offerup, Mercari
❖ Sell to family, friends, neighbors, etc
❖ Do a yard sale
Sell Stuff You Make :
❖ Online on places like Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr, Etsy, Ko-Fi,
Babysitting, Petsitting, or Dogwalking :
❖ Post something on a neighborhood page online, put up a sign in the neighborhood, offer to sit for neighbors you know
❖ Use apps (some require you to be 18+, such as Wag for dogwalking and Dogsitting or for babysitting) to get jobs. Just look up dogwalking, petsitting, housesitting, or babysitting in your App Store or online and see what you’re eligible for.
❖ See if there’s any organizations, companies, whatever that you can apply for
Become a Tutor
❖ You can do this online, so all you’d need is an electronic device (phone, laptop, or tablet. Preferably laptop) and internet connection. You can tutor people in just about anything at any level using apps or online platforms. You can also see if any local schools, daycares, libraries, neighbors, etc are looking for in-person tutors.
❖ Search up “tutoring”, “online tutoring jobs”, “remote tutoring jobs”, “tutoring apps” etc. or look for tutoring jobs (online or in-person) on places like ZipRecruiter, SimplyHired, superprof, or here
17 Ways to Earn Extra Money Fast (link)Search For Jobs Nearby
❖ Search up jobs in the area via your search engine
❖ Get an app that helps you find jobs such as Snagajob, ZipRecuiter, Indeed, and LinkedIn. It’s best to download multiple. (Note : if you are unable to download apps without parental permission and don’t want to ask, some of these are also websites online so you do not need to have an app. An example of a place online is AppJobs.)
❖ See if there’s remote jobs you can do (remote means from home).
If you have a car and are able to drive :
❖ Drive people around via services like Lyft or Uber
❖ Become a food delivery person (for UberEats, for Amazon, for a local restaurant, etc)
Ask People for Money/Donations
Check Out This Link
❖ ask (supportive) family, friends, friends family, etc if they can offer you anything financially
❖ other places to ask for donations : Ko-Fi and GoFundMe
Check out this link
Invest in the Stock Market
❖ If new to investing or if you want to invest simpler/easier, check out stuff like Acorns
❖ Minors can invest via adults (have an adult you trust invest your money for you ; doesn’t have to be a parent) or through some apps
❖ Clean neighbors cars, rake up their yards if they have a yard, shovel their driveway if it’s snowy, help them with their garden, offer to clean their house, mow their yard, trim their bushes, etc
❖ If you’re able to, do this via a company or app. Otherwise, just find neighbors or random people on social media or places like Facebook

At the Very Least (this is more aimed to individuals that will likely end up or will be homeless)
Unless you already have a place you can go live and stay, it’s best to wait and not move out yet. But if you absolutely must leave and intend to be without a house, try your best to pack only necessities and don’t bring super expensive stuff with you so that way it won’t get stolen, broken, or lost. Sell expensive things for money or if you wish to keep them, keep them hidden and someplace safe where they can’t fall out just in case.

  • Money : Minimum of $500. Preferred you have at least $1,000 if possible. It is best to have several thousand dollars that no one else can access or take (example : make sure whoever you’re living with or lived with cannot steal your money. Or if you have a bank account, make sure they cannot remove the money from your account or lock your account.)

  • Large backpack with multiple pockets and compartments. Preferably with a place to put your water bottle. Make sure it’s sturdy.

  • Suitcase or suitcases if you have them.

  • Clothing : multiple sets of clothing, try and have at least one professional / business attire outfit for job interviews if need be, pajamas (at least one or two sets), warm layers (jackets, hoodies, sweatpants, compression pants/shorts, extra socks, leggings, etc). Just try and get the necessities so you’ll stay warm and dry as possible

  • Your electronics and chargers for them

  • A toy, stuffed animal, etc. some sort of comfort item to get you through hard times

  • Pictures or something for memories if you wish

  • At least one or two reusable water bottles (they’re safer to use than just reusing disposable plastic water bottles. Make sure the reusable water bottles aren’t too heavy for you though)

  • Hand sanitizer, tissues, baby wipes, and a small first aid kit with Neosporin, alcohol wipes, ace bandages, gauze, meds like acetaminophen (ex : Tylenol) or ibuprofen (ex : Advil) or antihistamines (ex : Benadryl) whatever you’re allowed to have, and multiple bandaid sizes

  • At least one or two blankets as well as at least one pillow

  • Non-perishable food items (try and get lighter ones if need be)

  • Chewing gum and small snacks from someplace cheap like a convenience store or gas station

  • Any medications you’re on (it’s important you don’t go off your meds. If your parents paid for your meds previously and stop doing so, do research into if there’s any way to get your meds another way, for cheaper, etc. there’s a lot of options, you just have to try your best to find them)

  • Any items you need such as mobility aids, hearing aids, etc

  • All important documents and such : ID, passport, birth certificate, insurance info, medical records, license, permit, etc. whatever you have

  • Flashlights or some sort of light source

  • Batteries

  • Rain jacket/coat, snow jacket (if needed), and/or umbrella

  • A few (light) books or sketchbooks or something as distraction (or a diary, colouring book, fidget toy, doesn’t matter. Something to help keep your hopes up or at least distract you)

  • Winter clothes if you’ll need them (gloves, boots, etc)

  • Lots of socks and underwear (and bras if you need them. And if you wear binders, remember to bind safely please)

  • Nail clippers

  • Soaps

  • Toothpaste and toothbrush

  • Hairbrush or comb

  • Razors for shaving (if need be)

  • Hygiene Products like pads, tampons, etc (if needed)

  • Birth control (if needed)

  • Condoms (if needed)

  • Deodorant and/or antiperspirant

  • Vitamins (if needed)

  • Plastic drop cloth or tarp

  • Pepper spray, knife, and/or some other means of protection

  • Solar cell phone charger if you can

  • some type of multipurpose knife or pocket-sized multi tool

  • Small sewing kit

  • An address (you can try borrowing one from a friend or acquaintance without actually living there so you can use their address for job applications)

  • Hats and gloves

  • A watch

  • Some means of transportation

  • Look here for more info

If You Have A Place to Stay
This means a place that you don’t own. Just a place to stay a while or crash, not a place you will permanently live.

  • Money : Minimum of $500. Preferred you have at least $1,000 if possible. It is best to have several thousand dollars that no one else can access or take (example : make sure whoever you’re living with or lived with cannot steal your money. Or if you have a bank account, make sure they cannot remove the money from your account or lock your account.)

  • Large backpack with multiple pockets and compartments. Preferably with a place to put your water bottle. Make sure it’s sturdy.

  • Suitcase or suitcases if you have them.

  • Clothing : multiple sets of clothing, try and have at least one professional / business attire outfit for job interviews if need be, pajamas (at least one or two sets), warm layers (jackets, hoodies, sweatpants, compression pants/shorts, extra socks, leggings, etc). Just try and get the necessities so you’ll stay warm and dry as possible

  • Your electronics and chargers for them

  • A toy, stuffed animal, etc. some sort of comfort item to get you through hard times

  • Pictures or something for memories if you wish

  • At least one or two reusable water bottles (they’re safer to use than just reusing disposable plastic water bottles. Make sure the reusable water bottles aren’t too heavy for you though)

  • Hand sanitizer, tissues, baby wipes, and a small first aid kit with Neosporin, alcohol wipes, ace bandages, gauze, meds like acetaminophen (ex : Tylenol) or ibuprofen (ex : Advil) or antihistamines (ex : Benadryl) whatever you’re allowed to have, and multiple bandaid sizes

  • At least one or two blankets as well as at least one pillow

  • Food of your own (if you need to have your own food)

  • Any medications you’re on (it’s important you don’t go off your meds. If your parents paid for your meds previously and stop doing so, do research into if there’s any way to get your meds another way, for cheaper, etc. there’s a lot of options, you just have to try your best to find them)

  • Any items you need such as mobility aids, hearing aids, etc

  • All important documents and such : ID, passport, birth certificate, insurance info, medical records, license, permit, etc. whatever you have

  • Rain jacket/coat, snow jacket (if needed), and/or umbrella

  • A few books or sketchbooks or something as distraction (or a diary, colouring book, fidget toy, doesn’t matter. Something to help keep your hopes up or at least distract you)

  • Winter clothes if you’ll need them (gloves, boots, etc)

  • Lots of socks and underwear (and bras if you need them. And if you wear binders, remember to bind safely please)

  • Nail clippers

  • Soaps

  • Toothpaste and toothbrush

  • Hairbrush or comb

  • Razors for shaving (if need be)

  • Hygiene Products like pads, tampons, etc (if needed)

  • Birth control (if needed)

  • Condoms (if needed)

  • Deodorant and/or antiperspirant

  • Vitamins (if needed)

  • Pepper spray, knife, and/or some other means of protection

  • some type of multipurpose knife or pocket-sized multi tool

  • Small sewing kit

  • Hats and gloves

  • A watch

  • Some means of transportation

If You Have Your Own Place
This means a place that you personally own or are renting.

  • Money : Minimum of a few thousand dollars. It is best to have several thousand dollars that no one else can access or take (example : make sure whoever you’re living with or lived with cannot steal your money. Or if you have a bank account, make sure they cannot remove the money from your account or lock your account.)

  • Large backpack with multiple pockets and compartments. Preferably with a place to put your water bottle. Make sure it’s sturdy.

  • Suitcase or suitcases if you have them.

  • Boxes to move your stuff to the new place (if you’re using boxes)

  • Clothing : as much clothing of your clothing as you can bring

  • Your electronics and chargers for them

  • A toy, stuffed animal, etc. some sort of comfort item to get you through hard times

  • Pictures or something for memories if you wish

  • At least one or two reusable water bottles (they’re safer to use than just reusing disposable plastic water bottles. Make sure the reusable water bottles aren’t too heavy for you though)

  • Hand sanitizer, tissues, baby wipes, and a small first aid kit with Neosporin, alcohol wipes, ace bandages, gauze, meds like acetaminophen (ex : Tylenol) or ibuprofen (ex : Advil) or antihistamines (ex : Benadryl) whatever you’re allowed to have, and multiple bandaid sizes

  • Toilet paper

  • Paper towels and/or napkins (you can also just get some from a fast food place if need be. Just take a handful or two.)

  • Silverware (you can get extra plastic silverware from fast food places for free and just wash it, you can buy silverware cheap from a dollar store, or you can buy some plastic silverware if you don’t want to spend too much)

  • Dishes (plates and bowls at least. You can get paper plates and bowls for cheap or you can get cheap dishes from a dollar store)

  • Pots and pans (you can get these cheap)

  • Oven/stove

  • Microwave (optional)

  • Toaster (optional)

  • Coffee machine (optional)

  • Trash can (you can some for cheap)

  • A mattress or sleeping bag

  • At least one or two blankets as well as at least one pillow

  • Food and money to buy more food

  • Any medications you’re on (it’s important you don’t go off your meds. If your parents paid for your meds previously and stop doing so, do research into if there’s any way to get your meds another way, for cheaper, etc. there’s a lot of options, you just have to try your best to find them)

  • Any items you need such as mobility aids, hearing aids, etc

  • All important documents and such : ID, passport, birth certificate, insurance info, medical records, license, permit, etc. whatever you have

  • Rain jacket/coat, snow jacket (if needed), and/or umbrella

  • A few books or sketchbooks or something as distraction (or a diary, colouring book, fidget toy, doesn’t matter. Something to help keep your hopes up or at least distract you)

  • Winter clothes if you’ll need them (gloves, boots, etc)

  • Lots of socks and underwear (and bras if you need them. And if you wear binders, remember to bind safely please)

  • Nail clippers

  • Soaps

  • Toothpaste and toothbrush

  • Hairbrush or comb

  • Hair gel, hairdryer, whatever you need

  • Razors for shaving (if need be)

  • Hygiene Products like pads, tampons, etc (if needed)

  • Birth control (if needed)

  • Condoms (if needed)

  • Deodorant and/or antiperspirant

  • Vitamins (if needed)

  • Pepper spray, knife, and/or some other means of protection

  • some type of multipurpose knife or pocket-sized multi tool

  • Hats and gloves

  • A watch or clock

  • Some means of transportation

  • Fridge

  • Cleaning stuff like broom, dustpan, vacuum, Clorox wipes, duster, toilet bowl brush, etc

Free Moving BoxesFree Packing SuppliesRenting Moving Supplies

Home Cleaning Crash CoursePinterest Board with Infographics for what to do when moving out, moving in, what to look for in a new home, cooking and kitchen related info, etcTry your best to find a place to live or crash if you’re going to move out. A place of your own, a friends house, a home for emancipated minors, an Airbnb, motel, etc. Do your best to not move in with a partner if you’re younger than 19 or 20, especially not one who does not treat you right. It will trap you and is a usually horrible idea, even if you think you may marry them. It will force you to be dependent on themGo here for more help if you are homeless or at risk for homelessnessGo here

Used FurnitureGo to places like Goodwill, Salvation Army, thrift shops, yard or garage sales, check on places like Facebook Marketplace, and so on.

Resource for transgender individuals for various things, including getting a legal name change for cheaperTucking is Dangerous